Mark E. Buckley

Different types of web sites

There is terminology to classify the different types of web sites. Often these terms can become confusing.

Search Engine - a web site that provides links to other web sites. The list of sites resides in a database. The database is populated by programs called bots or spiders. They crawl the web to find sites for the database. Common examples are Google and AltaVista.

Directory - a web site that provides links to other web sites. The list of sites resides in a database. However the database is populated through human evaluation and categorization. Large directories include Yahoo. There are also many smaller directories devoted to specific topics or locations.

Indexes - are either directories or search engines.

Portal - is a site that is your entry point to the rest of the internet. Your computer might automatically take you to the home page of your ISP. These portal sites often contain current news, local weather and directories. Common portals include AOL, MSN, and Yahoo.

Web Ring - is a collection of web sites that link to each other. There can be web rings devoted to specific topics. They hope to increase traffic to each other by exchanging links.

Ezine - is a web site that replicates a magazine. Ezines are often produced by the publishers of off line magazines. They contain many articles, visitor polls, discussion groups and other features similar to an actual magazine.

Blog - is a Web Log. At its basic level it is similar to a journal. The author produced articles or posts every week, day or hour. The format looks similar to a typical web site. The most current posts are kept on the home page. A full list of articles is kept on an archive page. Some blogs allow readers to post comments on what the author has written. The design of blogs is unique in that the author simply types in his thoughts without having to know the details of web design. Behind the scenes, templates and databases hold all the information necessary to publish the blog.